Welcome to The Green Art House, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, eco-friendly art school and artist retreat located in Fallbrook, California. The Green Art House is a place where you can delve into your love of the arts by attending classes, workshops, demonstrations and lectures. From beginner to advanced, artist, collector, and patron, everyone is welcome!
We offer art classes, workshops, demonstrations and lectures for art students and art lovers of all ages. The Green Art House relies on the generosity of individuals, corporations, foundations and charitable organizations to fund its programming. Your tax-deductible donation is critical in helping us fulfill our mission to provide an inspirational atmosphere to stimulate an expanding artistic experience through intensive classes and workshops enabling artists to develop their individual artistic voice and address the future with confidence. Please consider being a part of this exciting new artist's school by making a donation today!
Welcome to PALA MESA RESORT in Fallbrook, California!
Art Classes are in session! Check the offerings for this month!

Co-Founder Richard Stergulz demonstrating painting a portrait.

Co-Founder Leslie Sweetland demonstrating painting with pastels.

Whether you prefer Silver, Gold or Platinum, there is something for everyone!